Monday, November 14, 2016

Privacy & Confidentiality


          Many can agree that one of the greatest innovations of the past decade has been the creation of social media. Yet, the advantages of social media and the Internet itself come with a price, our privacy. What a lot of people may not understand is that everything they do online is in some ways monitored and recorded into different databases and then later analyzed into pattern behavior profiles. Every time you search the web, send a message, share a video, or like a post you’re leaving behind cyber footprints that are being collected and used for research without you even knowing it. Private companies, large corporations, as well as advertising firms including Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter are all stockpiling immense amounts of information and using it to their advantage.
        Nothing you do online is confidential anymore. Someone is always watching and  monitoring your every move, waiting to use this information against you and get what they want. Whether it be companies and corporations using this data to advertise products that they think you would buy in order to increase their revenues. Or individuals out their trying to steel your identity and take everything that is yours. 
        A lot of people fall victims to identity theft, scams, and harassment of all sorts. That is why privacy and confidentiality should be a main focus for users of the Internet. People should be aware of this lack of privacy and should cautiously limit the amount of information that they give out on certain sites and what types of posts they create and share. 

1 comment:

  1. The issue of big businesses using people's personal information for data mining and marketing purposes is not just overlooked (as you mentioned), but also one that is hard to avoid in today's technology driven society. For both educational and recreational purposes, it is difficult to abstain from certain web based activities like online shopping, Google searching, or Facebook sharing. I don't want to say that we are forced to partake in these things, but there is really no other alternative if we want to constantly stay connected and informed.
